Items count of Last 7 days in Laravel
Here is a simple way to implement the items count along with date in past 7 days
. Of course you can change the date range.
Here is the code for laravel controller
// $period = Amount of days you want to fetch data for.
// To change the days just change P40D with any other number of days like P{days}D and
// do corresponding in the sql query below by replacing 40 Days with other days.
$period = new DatePeriod((new DateTime())->sub(new DateInterval('P7D')), new DateInterval('P1D'), new DateTime());
$range = []; //variable to store all the date range from staring date to end date.
$dbData = []; //variable to store the final expected output
// Initialize all range with count 0
foreach ($period as $date) {
$range[$date->format("Y-m-d")] = 0;
// Fetch all data with in the staring and ending date.
$data = DB::table('table_name')
->selectRaw('DATE(created_at) as time, count(*) as count')
->whereDate('created_at', '>=', date_sub(date_create(), date_interval_create_from_date_string("7 days")))
->whereDate('created_at', '<=', date_create())
// Once fetched, store the count values in the array.
foreach ($data as $val) {
$dbData[$val->time] = $val->count;
// Merge the two values
$data = array_replace($range, $dbData);
//return the result
return $data;
And you will get output like this.
Thats it. Happy Coding !